Workshop creative image design with “Generative AI”

“Text-to-image with Midjourney & Co.” practice-oriented training

Our practical workshop on creative image design with generative AI tools like Midjourney hits the nerve of the times. Because the world of visual communication is undergoing dynamic change. New AI technologies are not only changing the way texts are written, the way images are produced and processed is also fundamentally changing.

In the flood of daily information, images are a central element of communication and therefore in content creation.

But coming up with ideas, implementing them and editing them often takes a lot of time and has so far been limited to searching in Google or at stock photo websites.

AI tools like Midjourney or DALL-E open up new ways to design photos, illustrations and videos. As a B2B communications agency, we work with these tools every day to create images for our customers that are contemporary and get straight to the point.

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Benefit from our know-how:

In our exclusive workshop “Text-to-image with Midjourney & Co.” you will find out not only how we use the potential of generative AI in our daily agency work, but also how you can use the new tools efficiently and creatively for your image design and editing.

Why should you take part in the “Image Design with Generative AI” workshop?

  • Unleash creativity: Learn how you can use Generative AI as a tool to create new visual content beyond stock photo agencies.
  • Working with a focus on mid-journey:
    Advantages and disadvantages of the tool
    Prompting from simple to complex
    The interaction with Adobe CC
  • Image processing: The result of AI is just the beginning. How do I edit the images so that they correspond to my ideas?
  • Time savings: Save valuable (working) time with this training when starting out on this complex, new topic.
  • Legal aspects: Insight into the legal situation when using AI-generated images (no legal advice)
  • Recognize limits: What are the current limits of tools like Midjourney or DALL-E?
  • Corporate Design: How can I deal with CD specifications?
  • Classification: With knowledge of the possibilities of generative AI tools, you can critically evaluate and classify media content.


Date: by appointment
Duration: between 2 and 4 hours
Location: with us in Lorsch, in your office or online
Language: German or English

In the workshop you will not only receive a comprehensive insight into the use of Generative AI for your image creation, but also a practical hand-out tailored to the scope of the seminar. This should subsequently support you as a daily working tool.

After the workshop: To ensure you can keep up with rapid developments, we offer regular updates to our workbook.

Workshop creative image design with “Generative AI”

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting workshop and exploring the possibilities and limits of creative AI together.